Before becoming the Logistics head of Likhang Puso, Oriana Tolentino received academic honors and held class officer positions all throughout her grade school and high school years. She was a member of her high school’s table tennis team, environmental conservation organization, and Youth Christian Life Community. She is currently a rising second-year BS Psychology student at the University of the Philippines, Diliman campus. She is also an active member of the UP Chinese Student Association and UP Pre-Medical Society. Since Oriana aspires to attend medical school in the future, she wants to gain as much experience as she can in the field. Therefore, she had a content writing internship at The Premed Scene where she published monthly research articles about significant events and innovations in the medical world. In her free time, Oriana enjoys practicing classical and modern pieces on the piano, playing video games, and engaging in sports.
Through conceptualizing, planning, and executing projects, Oriana strives to improve the lives of the Hanunu-o Mangyans and to highlight their unique culture. She continues to think of methods that would address the persistent concerns of the community effectively. As a pre-medical student, Oriana would like the foundation to initiate a program that focuses on delivering affordable, accessible, and quality healthcare to the Hanunu-o Mangyans whilst maintaining sensitivity towards their beliefs and traditions.
Being of service to the indigenous community will always be an exciting journey for Oriana. The smiles on the children’s faces are what motivate her to dedicate her time and efforts to ensure that they are given the opportunity to unleash their immense potential in academic affairs and respective interests. Oriana hopes that the foundation would grow in number and influence in such a way that more individuals would have the same passion as the entire Likhang Puso team.